sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2012


Apóstol Dr. Gabriel Sánchez Velázquez, impartiendo un estudio bíblico
del origen babilonico de la navidad en la Comunidad Cristiana Filadelfia
de la Deleg. Gustavo A. Madero en la ciudad de México.

“a quien de cierto es necesario que el cielo reciba hasta
 los tiempos de la restauración de todas las cosas, de que
 habló Dios por boca de sus santos profetas que han
 sido desde tiempo antiguo. “ HECHOS 3.21

El Cristianismo en el mundo se encuentra en diferentes niveles espirituales.
Europa sustenta vivir una época post-cristiana ¿Qué debe entenderse por época post-cristiana?
Un holandés, un inglés o un francés nos responderían que, la evolución de la cultura y los valores del hombre en búsqueda continua de realización, obligan a la sociedad europea a dejar al Cristianismo atrás como parte de la Historia. Así como ha quedado atrás una época feudal, el Empirismo ingles, el racionalismo francés, el deísmo y en otro orden, el sistema feudal y el sistema capitalista.
Sea dicho de otro modo. Para la mayoría de los europeos, ya  LA FE CRISTIANA no ofrece nada útil, nada digno de recibirse y mucho menos de sustentarse y propagarse. Por supuesto que la mayoría de los europeos sólo conocen un cristianismo dominado por el sincretismo religioso. Europa ha conocido mas a una religión Babilónica salpicada de elementos evangélicos que EL PODEROSO EVANGELIO QUE SALVA Y TRANSFORMA.

¿Cuánta verdad hay en esta tesis tan generalizada?
Ninguna. D e cierto afirmamos aquí y ahora mismo que los problemas trascendentales del hombre de hace dos mil años, son los mismos que padece el hombre sumido en la tecnología y acorazado en el vertiginoso avance científico. El hombre ha superado la velocidad del sonido, pero no ha vencido sus miedos, ha puesto su pié en la luna, pero no ha vencido sus miedos, ha puesto su pié en la luna, pero no ha vencido su egoísmo.
A gritos en secreto, de un modo u otro, el hombre se pregunta ¿quién soy? ¿De dónde vengo? ¿A dónde voy? ¿Para qué estoy aquí?
Los psicólogos y sociólogos hablan del anonimato cosmopolita. Esto es, el hombre vive en grandes urbes de millones de seres humanos, rodeado de grandes edificios habitados, pero se siente solo en la ciudad. Se habla también de la soledad cósmica, esto es, que frente al universo intuye irremisiblemente por encima de su raciocinio, que hay, que debe haber, UN SER…EL GRAN AUSENTE. Dígase llanamente: EL HOMBRE CONTEMPORÁNEO NECESITA A DIOS.
Sin embargo las cosas don de facto. Europa se haya espiritualmente postrada. Antes que ofrecer un mensaje salvífico como el siglo XVI, ahora lo necesita.
África está hundida en el animismo, el panteísmo y siendo sojuzgado por un Islamismo implacable.
El nuevo mundo y específicamente América Latina, es hoy por hoy, tierra de promisión. Ejércitos insospechados de cristianos fuertes son equipados a diario con el poder y los dones del Espíritu Santo. Las iglesias cristianas evangélicas avanzan de manera imparable.
Y son estas iglesias cristianas evangélicas las que con la revelación del Espíritu Santo abandonan prácticas babilónicas; entre ellas la observancia de la fiesta de navidad, de la mal llamada semana santa y en general del calendario litúrgico de la religión católico-romana.
Despierta un continente sojuzgado a lo largo de cuatro centurias por la ignominiosa mezcla de un imperio europeo despiadado, la España Católico- Romana, con la conquista del alma americana. Los indios con una religión a veces, sanguinaria, fueron sometidos a la mezcla de sus prácticas religiosas con las de otra religión menos cruel y oscurantista: La de la jerarquía romana.
En el CELAM (Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano) declaró a finales del siglo XX que en los siguientes 10 años, 40 millones de latinoamericanos, abandonarían los ídolos mudos de la religión romana y abrazarían en Evangelio de Jesucristo engrosando las iglesias evangélicas. Están en lo cierto.
Sin embargo, aquí no se hace mención de la corriente ecuménica dentro de las iglesias, corriente que más que depender del poder de Dios quiere tener marras con el Romanismo. No se está pensando tampoco, en la corriente teológica de la liberación, que una vez perdidos el rumbo y la brujería da traspiés en la más confusa coincidencia con las tesis marxistas leninistas, sustentadas por los más recalcitrantes ateos. Ni se habla aquí de los líderes o congregaciones de corte tradicional y tradicionalmente dormidas en un lecho acomodaticio dentro del mundo de maldad que los acurruca.
Entonces: ¿De cuál tipo de iglesias estamos hablando? Aquí nos referimos a las iglesias cristianas evangélicas cuyo espíritu ha despertado Dios para trabajar en la restauración de todas las cosas. Simplemente hablamos de la IGLESIA CRISTIANA, como lo era en el origen y podemos constatarlo  en las páginas del libro de Los Hechos de los Apóstoles. Hablamos de aquellas congregaciones que en otra no eran pueblo, pero ahora son pueblo de Dios. Los que ahora somos NACION SANTA Y PUEBLO ADQUIRIDO POR DIOS. Se habla de los cristianos que le hemos dado toda nuestra vida al señorío de Jesucristo y vivamos llenos del poder de su Espíritu  Santo. Hablamos de esas iglesias que se mueven en los dones del Espíritu Santo y que reconocen la vigencia de los ministerios de apóstoles y profetas, de evangelistas, pastores y maestros. Aquí estamos pensando en las iglesias que caminan hacia la restauración de todas las cosas como dice hechos 3.21:“a quien de cierto es necesario que el cielo reciba hasta los tiempos de la restauración de todas las cosas, de que habló Dios por boca de sus santos profetas que han  sido desde tiempo antiguo.”
Restaura significa volver a darle a alguien o algo su aprecio original, volver a poner algo en su estado original y devolverle a alguien sus bienes que por cualquier causa había perdido en el pasado.
Cuando hablamos de Natividad del dios Tamúz queremos decir que se trata de una mezcla práctica religiosa babilónica dentro del Cristianismo permitida i promovida por líderes cristianos apostatas desde el siglo IV.
Alerta, caro lector, porque tú estás siendo llamado por el Espíritu Santo de Dios para integrarte a esa iglesia cuyo espíritu despertó Dios para subir a la restauración del TEMPLO DEL DIOS VIVIENTE.
Y si de tales iglesias se trata, obvio resulta entonces repetir, que dichas iglesias tiene  una vocación de volver al CRITIANISMO ORIGINAL, al CRISTIANISMO NEO- TESTAMENTARIO, a este Cristianismo en donde no hay sincretismo filosófico, en donde las religiones babilónicas con su fiesta del solsticio de invierno están ausentes y son anti éticas a la FE CRISTIANA AUTENTICA.
Y si en esa IGLESIA gobierna el ESPÍRITU SANTO, y si es el ESPÍRITU SANTO quien la guía a toda verdad, razón sobrasa existe para que esta iglesia REPUDIE Y COMBATA CUANTA MUGRE ESPIRITUAL Y DOCTRINA FALSA halle en su firme diario caminar.
Así entonces, esta IGLESIA VIVA HA RECIBIDO LA REVELACIÓN DE DIOS e instrucción de los ministerios que le presiden en el Señor  de que la tan universalmente observada FIESTA NAVIDEÑA es un monstruo babilónico agazapado y hasta protegido por cristianos y no menos ignorantes de las ESCRITURAS y de la HISTORIA DEL CRISTIANISMO.
En Oseas 4.6 dice: “Mi pueblo fue destruido, porque le faltó conocimiento. Por cuanto desechaste el conocimiento, yo te echaré del sacerdocio; y porque olvidaste la ley de tu Dios, también yo me olvidaré de tus hijos.” Una operación del Espíritu Santo ha hecho que muchos de nosotros que en otra erramos asiduos observantes de la Navidad, ahora con mayor conocimiento de la Palabra, hayamos dejado de lado eso que a Dios no le agrada. Y aquí el punto neurálgico es ese. No se trata de diferentes criterios, gustos o culturas. Si no de revelación del Señor. Dice Lucas 24.45: “Entonces les abrió el entrenamiento para que comprendiesen las Escrituras ” Más que caer en discusiones estériles respecto del tema que venimos tratando ya casi al terminar de leer este libro, te invito para que le digas al Señor: “ ABRE MI ENTENDIMIENTO A TU PALABRA”
Seguramente el Señor lo hará. Estoy seguro de que el JESUCRISTO hará hacer brillar su luz en América Latina y hasta los confines de esté agónico globo terráqueo.
Atiéndeme, amable lector, al llegar al último blog de la serie sobre la natividad del Tamuz babilónico, confieso en fe que Dios te ha tocado, que El está abriendo tu entendimiento y tu corazón y que ahora estas a punto de hacer una decisión a favor de la fe, dada una vez a los santos. Si así es, que la gloria sea para Dios. El intento íntimo del corazón del que esto escribe ha quedado compensado.cristian

lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012

The Authority Of The Bible Is Above The Religious Leaders.

Apostle Dr. Gabriel Sanchez Velazquez preraching 

Throughout the centuries of Christianity a legacy has been sewn of great thinkers within the Christian churches. They have formed two very related fields of knowledge. The Patristics and the Patrology. One talks about the content of the writings of the great Christian thinkers, and the other of the lives and cultural context of the writers.

In some measure, it is regretful that a great section of evangelical pastors never take the trouble to learn about these writers, frequently they overlook that the GOD of the Bible is the God of history. You say: “Well I have this Bible in my hands and I am saved, the rest doesn’t interest me.”  Thank God that you have your Bible and you are saved, but have you asked how the Bible came about until our days? How can we observe the providence of God so that the Gospel would have reached us in this generation?

From there it is good to know the formation of Christian thinking. However, in my judgment and the judgment of many evangelical theologians, the Roman-Catholic hierarchy:
         1.  Studies more the Patristics and the Patrology than the Bible itself.
         2.  Gives more authority to the opinions of the past leaders than to the      Sacred Scriptures.
         3.  They keep and accept as dogmas the interpretations that these                        men made in the past, without taking the trouble to go to the                    original text of the Bible and seek the revelation of God to                            understand what God wants us to understand of the same text.

Therefore, here we need to find the right balance. We have the Bible on the right hand as supreme authority in issues of faith and practice, but we extend the left hand to inquire the opinion of our fathers of the faith. Just as I Thessalonians 5:21 establishes: “Test all things, hold fast what is good.”

I had the privilege of writing the first edition of this book in 1988, and when I was able to do the second edition of the same book in 1991, in Mexico there had already been published various controversial works related to the celebration of Christmas. Among those, due to the importance of its argument in favor of the Christmas celebration based on the practice of the great heroes of the faith, I make a direct reference to the one titled: An Answer to the Christmas Tree, by Ricardo Zepeda.

The mentioned book attacks the NEO-PENTACOSTAL CHURCHES ignoring that these are the churches that show more vitality in the evangelical church around the world. It is said in this book that the churches in restoration maintain a propaganda “pseudo-Christian” that after having turned upside down the faith of many evangelicals now we have put into question the validity of the celebration of Christmas.

It is interesting to see how this author defends the Christmas celebration. Let’s see some of his points of view:
         1.  Those groups (the churches in restoration) oppose the celebration                   of the birth of the Lord as an idolatrous event, only because it is                 celebrated on the date of the day of the sun that the Roman pagan               observed before the triumph of Christianity. 
This book would have us believe that the establishment of the Roman-Catholic religion in ancient Rome was the triumph of Christianity. If that is, then why is the author outside of the Catholic Religion? On the contrary we maintain that although the Vatican is in Rome, that land urgently needs the preaching of the gospel like any other part of the earth.
         2. This referenced work would have us believe that the authentic              Christians are those who faithfully follow the tradition of                              celebrating Christmas, but those of us who have left such an                          observance are not really Christians.  For the author, saying that on              the 25th of December: "That night the Savior was born" is a small                      lie without  importance.  And anyways it is a necessary lie in order                  to be Christians without any doubts.
Those of us with Christian maturity and revelation from the Holy Spirit have cast aside all vestiges of the Babylonian religion, we don't want to mix the message of he that has affirmed in John 14:6: "I AM THE TRUTH" with small lies.
         3.  That work says that since the tree that represented the Babylonian                god Tammuz, stopped being displayed about 1117 years ago (the                     book being referred to was written in 1990), now one can put a                    tree up in their house without any spiritual problem. 
That is to say, time has erased the idolatrous symbol.  But in the light of the Word of God we know that an idol is an idol. And the Christmas tree as was already explained in the previous chapter, is an idol that represents the Babylonian god Tammuz. Not all trees are idols, but particularly when one cuts down a pine tree and takes it to their house, and adorns it with spheres and lights during the Christmas season, it constitutes an idol. Have you read what I Corinthians 1:19-20 says: “What am I saying then? That an idol is anything, or what is offered to idols is anything? Rather, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons.”
         4.  The same author cites Deuteronomy 16:21 that says: “You shall                      not plant for yourself any tree, as a wooden image, near the altar                      which you build for yourself to the Lord your God.”  And he argues     that TREES SHOULD NOT BE FOR IDOLS.
But this author doesn't understand that when someone repeats a thousand year old rite, like placing a Christmas tree in their house or church, they are spiritually binding themselves to the idols, that have a legal right over those who invoke or worship them. It is truly important that a recently converted Christian, in a conscious and voluntary way renounces the religious spirit and the idolatry, so that they are capable to worship in spirit and truth.
But now we arrive at the heart of the matter that justifies the title of this present chapter. In the same book, An Answer to the Christmas Tree, the author says:
         5. “We seriously take into account that Dr. Martin Luther in the days                  of Reformation in the XVI Century took a fir, and adorned it in a                  beautiful way and used it to celebrate Christmas.”
Martin Luther is a champion of the faith. God gave him Romans 1:17 where it says: “ For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, 'The just shall live by faith'", the rhema word for his preaching. Martin Luther is undeniably one of the most important links in the process of restoring the Church. Today there is not an evangelical church in the world that doesn’t hoist the four principal cardinals of the Lutheran Reformation: Only faith, by grace, only the Bible, and the universal priesthood of the believers.

However, Martin Luther was far from knowing the glory of the Gospel, that by the mercy of God the most modest believer in the Christian churches knows today. Luther knew nothing of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Luther didn’t know the importance of removing the religious images and the full-length robes of the church, Luther didn’t even arrive to the conviction of salvation as a present experience. Luther continued baptizing babies with a little water on the head, as Romanism practices it and as the same Lutheran church does to this day. Martin Luther reestablished the worship of the crucifix and the image of the Virgin Mary in Wittenberg, when his disciples guided by the Scriptures had arrived at the conviction to which John Calvin arrived to in Geneva, that all of this should be discarded.  And of course Luther continued celebrating Christmas adorning a fir tree.

From the previous information, nothing makes us conclude that all the Christians in the world have the moral duty to put a fir in our house during the Christmas season “because the great Martin Luther” did it that way with much devotion.

Yes we go back to our statements at the beginning of this chapter. History must be studied, the best that has arrived to us must be taken from the great thinkers of Christianity, but we never compromise our faithfulness to the Holy Scripture in favor of a custom, a human doctrine, any religious rite, or a theological current contrary to the revelation of the Bible. Judas 3 says, “Beloved, while I was very diligent to write you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.”

Do you want to please God? Make a determination to submit yourself to the revelation of the Scriptures above your denominational traditions. And God will honor you.

sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012



Apóstol Dr. Gabriel Sánchez Velázquez, ministrando con los
DOnes del Espíritu Santo en Filadelfia GAM
Por El Dr. Gabriel Sánchez Velázquez.
         ¡Te has encontrado alguna vez en una ciudad donde llegaste por primera vez? ¿Cómo principiaste a orientarte en ella?
         Todos hemos estado en una ciudad nueva. Al principio no conocemos nada de ella, pero poco a poco, vamos ubicando los edificios más importantes. Las avenidas principales. Y de allí, poco a poco, nos vamos ubicando hasta que podemos movernos en ella, sin problemas.
         La Biblia, es el libro de Dios.  Es como una gran ciudad con colonias, calles y edificios. Si nunca has tenido antes de hoy un contacto con ella, al abrirla podría parecerte como una ciudad desconocida.
         Pero hay cuatro verdades básicas que son como las cuatro grandes avenidas de esta ciudad, la Biblia, la Palabra de Dios. He aquí su descripción.
No importa quien eres, cómo has vivido hasta hoy, o de qué nacionalidad eres. Dios te ama.
No importa tu estado civil, tu edad, tu sexo, tu nacionalidad, tu nivel académico o tu clase económica. DIOS TE AMA A TI.
Y Dios te ama, porque su naturaleza es AMAR.  DIOS ES AMOR.
Dice en Juan 3.16: “”Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo que ha dado a su hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna”
Cualquiera puede dar algo sin amar, pero no podemos amar sin dar. La mejor  manera que Dios tiene para mostrarnos su amor, es que envió a su propio Hijo Jesucristo para morir en la cruz del calvario en nuestro lugar.
Además, en Juan 10.10 dice Jesucristo: “El ladrón no viene, sino para hurtar y matar y destruir; yo he venido para que tengan vida, y vida en abundancia
Dios no quiere que padezcas una vida de frustraciones, fracasos, temor o dolor. Por el contrario Él quiere que tú seas feliz, tengas éxito en todo lo que emprendes y te sientas realizado.

Entonces surge una pregunta inevitable: Si es verdad que Dios nos ama y tiene un plan de vida abundante para nuestras vidas, ¿por qué millones de seres humanos ni conocen el amor de Dios, ni experimentan el plan de vida abundante que debieran disfrutar?
La respuesta esta en la segunda gran verdad que  enseña la Biblia.

Dios creo al hombre para que viviera en una comunión perfecta con Dios. Así como un tren ha sido diseñado para que corra sobre dos vías, así Dios nos diseñó para que nosotros vivamos en comunión con Dios.
De hecho, en el origen Adán y Eva tuvieron ese privilegio de disfrutar esa dulce comunión con Dios, cada día; hasta el día en que al desobedecerle, pecaron contra Él.
El pecado es un estado de separación. Entre Dios y el hombre hay un abismo insondable llamado pecado.
Dice Romanos 3.10: “No hay justo ni aun uno.” Y dice Romanos 3.23: “Por cuanto todos pecaron, están destituidos de la gloria de Dios

Los hombres quieren llegar a Dios. Por eso han ideado religiones, filosofías y otros medios. Los hombres  tienen buenas intenciones. Pero no llegan.

 ¿Habrá alguna esperanza para el ser humano? He aquí la tercera gran verdad de la Biblia.

Dice Jesucristo en el Evangelio de Juan 14.6: “ Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida; nadie viene al Padre sino por mí
Con frecuencia escucho a la gente decir: “No sé quien tiene la verdad…” Y les contesto, la verdad no es una religión, no es un rito o un dogma. La verdad es una persona viva. Murió hace dos mil años, pero al tercer día resucitó y ahora vive y gobierna el universo con su poder, se llama Jesucristo.
Y Jesucristo es el  único que puede hacer el puente entre Dios y los hombres.

Lo anterior lo afirma también Pablo al escribir  en I a Timoteo 2.5: “Porque hay un solo Dios, y un solo mediador entre Dios y los hombres, Jesucristo hombre”  Si notas no dice la Biblia que hay varios mediadores, mucho menos que hay mediadoras. Hay un solo mediador, su nombre es Jesucristo.
Algo semejante afirmó el Apóstol Pedro en Hechos 4.11-12 cuando dijo: “Este Jesús…ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo. Y en ninguno otro hay salvación; porque no hay otro nombre bajo el cielo, dado a los hombres en el cual podemos ser salvos”  Cuando tú levantas tu vista y tu corazón al cielo, descubrirás que el único nombre mediante el cual podemos ser salvos es Jesucristo.

Entonces, te preguntarás: ¿Qué debo hacer para recibir la salvación?  He aquí la cuarta gran verdad de la Biblia.
 Dice Hechos  20.21: “Testificando a judíos y a gentiles acerca del arrepentimiento para con Dios y  de la fe en nuestro Señor Jesucristo
Arrepentirse, es cambiar de mentalidad. Cuando cambias de mentalidad cambias de vida. El arrepentimiento implica reconocer que hemos ofendido a Dios, que hemos quebrantado sus mandamientos, pero que ahora deseamos volvernos a Él y agradarle.

Una vez que te arrepientes,  debes depositar tu fe en Jesucristo e invitarlo a entrar a tu corazón.
Jesucristo al morir en la cruz del calvario pagó el precio exacto de tu salvación y de mi salvación. Ahora solamente tienes que invitarlo a entrar a tu corazón.  Dice Efesios 2.8: “Porque por gracia sois salvos, por medio de la fe y esto no es de vosotros, pues es un don de Dios, no por obras para que ninguno se gloríe
Además dice Apocalipsis 3.20: “”He aquí, yo estoy a la puerta  y llamo; si alguno oye mi voz y abre la puerta, entraré a él y cenaré con él y él conmigo”
Dijo Blas Pascal: “En el corazón del hombre, hay un vacío con la forma de Dios que nadie puede llenar sino solo Dios.”
Y si hoy le dices a Jesucristo: “Señor Jesús, creo que me amas, que moriste en la cruz del calvario en mi lugar. Me arrepiento de todos mis pecados y te pido que me laves con tu sangre preciosa, que vengas y entres a mi corazón.  Llena el vacío de mi vida. Quiero conocerte mejor y amarte el resto de mi vida. Amén”
Seguramente Jesucristo vendrá a ti y te salvará, te llenará de su amor y te dará esa vida victoriosa y feliz que tiene para ti.

Would It Be Good To Maintain Religious Syncretism?

Apostle Dr. Gabriel Sánchez Velázquez and his Panamenian Songs: Rolando
and Keny in the International Airport in panama.

"Then they said, 'This is your god, O Israel, that brought you out of the land of Egypt!' So when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it. And Aaron made a proclamation and said, 'Tomorrow is a feast to the Lord'". Exodus 32:4-5

How is it possible that Christians have THE SACRED SCRIPTURES in their hands and say that they believe in them, and defend so much the Babylonian traditions? How can it be explained that there are pastors who talk more about Christmas than the POWER OF THE GOSPEL?

Only one way. With the Biblical judgment of Revelation 3:18: “I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.”

In other words, many of the Babylonian traditions still remain in use in the evangelical churches, because those who make up the churches are blind. They are blinded so that they are not able to see the abomination of their religious practices.


Ralph Woodrow in his book Babylon, A Religious Mystery, on page 250 says, “Since these pagan religious customs have been ‘Christianized’, that is to say, mixed with customs and Christian names, many reason THAT IN THIS WAY THEY ARE APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY GOD. The Roman-Catholics believe that although a rite or custom has been originally pagan, if it is applied to Christ, then it is approved by God, even though it has no Biblical foundation. But this is only human reasoning completely opposed to the Word of God”.

I prophesy and proclaim in a loud voice that the day is coming soon when the Holy Spirit will work over the BODY OF JESUS CHRIST and will clean it of all Babylonian filthiness. In fact, the Lord is already doing it. Hallelujah!

But still there are pastors and leaders who worsen their thinking in order to defend the Christmas celebration, when they should feel ashamed to be mixing the Gospel with Paganism. Some of them reason in the following ways:
         -It has always been celebrated.  Those of us who have been rescued     from Babylonian Romanism, always celebrated many pagan holidays; for example, the supposed apparitions of Guadalupe; but when the   Gospel illuminated our soul we have abhorred this practice forever.       This should also be done with the nativity of Tammuz.
 Why did these new converts act this way? Because when     
one loves the Lord it no longer counts what one likes, the only thing 
that counts is that they please the Lord
         -I like it very much. There are Christians that have been liberated         from the claws of Spiritism. Before knowing the Gospel, they felt fine   in their spiritist practices and they liked them very much. But when    Jesus Christ saved them and they came to a genuine conversion to the          Gospel, they not only abandoned their spiritist practices but also          abhorred them. They have burned their magic books as in the case of          Acts 19:19-20 which says: "Also, many of those who had practiced    magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of       all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled fifty         thousand pieces of silver. So the word of the Lord grew mightily and     prevailed."  Why did these new converts act this way? Because when       one loves the Lord it no longer counts what one likes, the only thing       that counts is that they please the Lord. We don't live to practice what          we like, but what our Lord likes. Many evangelicals in this generation   have come celebrating Christmas believing that it is something    pleasing to God, but upon having the opportunity to study the pagan       origin of this holiday, if they want to please God they should abandon   this religious practice.
         -The church fills up during Christmas.  It is a sad Satanic trick that    the evangelical churches are full of people during the Christmas         celebrations, because they do not go to seek God, to hear the Word;   but they are motivated because there are candies, cookies, peanuts, or          for the piñatas. In fact there are people that go to the evangelical church every year during the Christmas season. But after the holidays     they never return, and the pews of the church return being empty. The       churches in God's order do not need an arrival of a holiday arrives so that they can congregate, but they always do it because they love God, desire to worship Him, and feed on His Word.
         -Christmas is a time that unites families.  According to the Gospel       teachings, a Christian family should be united all the days of the year.    The born again Christians have as a personal experience what    Romans 5:5 declares: "The love of God has been poured out in our    hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given us."  The end of the year isn't     needed to be able to love parents, fathers and mothers in law, or sons    and daughters, sons in law or daughters in law. God wants that we      live all the days with a genuine family love and not that we have one    main night with a faked love and that ends in a tragic dawn.
  -During Christmas we celebrate the birth of Christ. In a   theological sense the birth of Christ
 can not be celebrated. Why?   BECAUSE HE IS ETERNAL.
HE IS GOD.  He has no beginning and          
         -During Christmas we celebrate the birth of Christ.  In a   theological sense the birth of Christ can not be celebrated. Why?           BECAUSE HE IS ETERNAL. HE IS GOD.  He has no beginning and           no end. He became flesh in order to save us, but HE WAS ALREADY          ALL MIGHTY GOD BEFORE BEING BORN in Bethlehem. Such        phrases as: "May Christ be born in your hearts as He was born in           Bethlehem" are unfortunate and mistaken. The Bible never insinuates        that a baby will have to be born in every human heart, only that THE     KING OF GLORY BE ENTHRONED IN EVERY HEART.  Those          who now have left the Babylonian celebrations, do it for the love of       Christ and not because they want to despise Him.
Of course the previous arguments are not the only ones. But they are an example of the reasons that circulate in our midst for celebrating Christmas. Particularly in the Philadelphia Christian Community we emphasize what the Bible orders, what the Bible teaches.  If any practice does not have a Biblical foundation, we discard it, we put it in its place, in the garbage can.

martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

When will we will discern between the spirits?



The Philadelphia Christian Comunity  praising in a worship
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
1 John 4:1


Millions of evangelical Christians at this time already know that the Christmas holiday is of Babylonian origin, and however, do not have the least intention of abandoning this religious practice. The force of the custom is stronger in them than the desire to please God.  To remain accepted by others has a more prominent place in their interests.

However, if you desire to please the Lord Jesus Christ, and have an authentic hunger for the things of God, you should reflect with sincerity about those who celebrate the Christmas holiday and why.


We observe that this holiday is celebrated with much pleasure by the Roman-Catholics, the same as the Buddhists. The public plazas of self-proclaimed atheistic governments have Christmas trees just as in capitalistic countries of Christian tradition. In Red Square of Moscow or in the White House of Washington there is a celebration of Christmas. Christmas trees and decorations can be seen in schools that shout about imparting a secular education just as in classrooms of parochial schools. The voracious commerce is dressed with Christmas. There is a Christmas tree in an evangelical church just as in a bar or a brothel.


It is also a good time to point out that the Christmas decorations most sought after and valued are of Japanese origin.  And Japan is not a country of Christian tradition but of the Shintoistic religion. The best Christmas decorations for the West come from the East.




They say that in December there is a “Christmas spirit”. This truth cannot be denied. There is a Christmas spirit. It can be perceived in all the world. The essence of this statement is: Where does this Christmas spirit come from?


In the light of Christian teaching (I say, in the light of the same Christ) it has to be a spirit opposed to the Lord Jesus Christ. Since the word has only two attitudes: One of rejecting the things of God and one of full acceptance of the things of darkness. The sons of darkness abhor what is of God. Jesus Christ says in the Gospel of John 17:14: “I have given them Your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, JUST AS I AM NOT OF THE WORLD.”  In another opportunity Jesus Christ says to his true disciples according to Luke 21:17: “And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake.”


How can the declarations of Jesus Christ be reconciled with the attitude of the world toward the Christmas spirit? In only one way: Christmas has nothing to due with Jesus Christ, or with his doctrine, or with his true disciples.


Those who dwell in the brothel along with the robber and the atheist talk about and celebrate Christmas.  And the apostate churches keep on saying: “We make Christ the center of our Christmas celebration.”  Why do they have to say such affirmation if Christmas was a Christian holiday? But they know that Christmas is a pagan holiday and has an ingenious arrangement of “Christianity”.




Although it cannot be denied that some people give gifts out of a sincere feeling, we all know that a major part of the gifts that “one has to give” on Christmas, especially in the famous “gift exhange”, is done with disinterest and many times with hypocrisy. It is done out of a social duty. But do you know my dear reader since when did they begin to give Christmas gifts? Could you imagine the Apostle Paul promoting this custom or maybe Peter or Philip? No. They never imagined it in the least!


Tertullian, considered by Roman Catholicism as the “father of the church" born between the year 150 and 155 and died between the years 220 and 225, was a lawyer born in Carthage and lived in Rome. Tertullian converted to authentic Christianity between 190 and 195 D.C., and this great Christian writings tells us that THE PRACTICE OF EXCHANGING GIFTS DURING THIS SEASON IS PART OF THE ROMAN SATURNALIA. You should know that in the days of Tertullian no Christian really converted to the Gospel celebrated Christmas. The Babylonian practices were combated headfirst, and in an unanimous way, by all Christians.

Fotos de Papá Noel
Is  Jesus Christ the center of the Christmas?

When the apostate leaders gradually adopted the celebration of the nativity of Tammuz, they tried to find in the Gospels some support for continuing the practice of exchanging gifts. They believed to find it in Mathew 2:11 where it says: “And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”


We note that the wise men brought gifts to Jesus, and they found him in a house, and not in a manger, since they arrived about two years after the birth of Christ. Therefore, it didn’t have to do with Christmas gifts, but an expression of worship of the Son of God. We remember that the reason that Herod the Great ordered the killing of all boys two years and younger, was because the calculation of the age of the Lord was less than two years.  Also these gifts should be understood in the context of the oriental culture. One could not visit a king without taking him a present. And for the wise men, Jesus was the king of the Jews that had been born. In Mathew 2:2 when the wise men asked about the Lord they said: “Where is he who has been born Kind of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” Said another way, these gifts have nothing to do with Christmas gifts.


The voracious business of Christmas has exalted the god of commerce, which is also the mythological character, Santa Claus (read Satan Claus), whose laugh signifies the mocking of the poor children who cannot buy the expensive and sophisticated toys that they advertise, and therefore cannot participate in the compulsive consumption.


Currently there are evangelical churches that adorn the doors and windows of their church with Santa Claus. Despite this, without any doubt, this character has a Babylonian origin along with all the Christmas practices that we have briefly listed.



Among the books about the history of the Christian church, that the majority of the pastors of the historical churches (Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterian, and enlightened Pentecostals) have had in their hands is the classic work: History of the Christian Church by Wilston Walker. On page 169 of this book it says: Towards the IV century the observance of the Ascension was common. The main church holiday added during this period WAS CHRISTMAS.  It appears that until the IV century there was never celebrated any holiday for the Nativity of Jesus. In any event, the celebration of the 25th of December as Christmas Day, appears for the first time in Rome in the year 353 or 354...From Rome it passed to the East, being introduced in Constantinople probably by Gregorio Nacianceno between 387 and 381.”


Another very important fact is that the Church of Antioch of Syria, where God raised up the Apostles Barnabas and Paul, opposed the celebration of this pagan holiday during a whole generation after it had already been made official in Rome by the apostate Bishop Liborio. It wasn’t until 386 that John Chrysostom succeeded imposing this pagan holiday in Antioch, apostatizing the great faithfulness that the local church had observed in the first four centuries of Christianity.