viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011


  • Apostle  Dr. Gabriel Sánchez Velázquez,
    Apostolic coverage for the Christian Community Philadelphia
     in Africa
    If you have had an experience of conversion to Jesus Christ, surely you remember this memorable day in which you said to Jesus Christ: "Lord , I deliver you my life, it enters to my heart ".

    And surely these moments are unforgettable for you.

    Nevertheless, the majority of the Christians we have this experience; that the day into which we turn to Christ, we had a great emotional impact. We cry, feel a deep pleasure, we had desire of shouting of happiness and still jump.

    But the time happened, and this feeling of well-being and happiness, they have been going out. Up to the such degree, from which there have come moments in which we do not feel anything. And it has put us in crisis. We wonder, really am I except
    Today I you want to underline that the Christians we do not base our faith on the feelings, though the feelings play an important paper in our Christian life.

    But our faith is based on the perfect facts that the Bible reveals. Basically that Jesus Christ was personified, he died in the cross of the Calvary in our place and to the third day it revived and he lives praised in the skies.

    Then …. How I be to be sure of being except
    Here there are two Biblical requirements that we must cover if we be to be sure of being safe and they are:

    1. Repentance
    2. Faith in Jesus Christ.


    Repentance comes from the Greek term METANOEO. Term consisted of META, which it means LATER; implying A CHANGE, Apostolic coverage for the Christian Community Philadelphia in Africaand NOEO that IT means TO PERCEIVE.

    So fundamentally, repentance implies A CHANGE OF INTENTION, LIFE'S CHANGE.
    1. We realize that we have broken the God's orders, and that our sin us separates from Him.

    2. That we confess our sins to Jesus Christ and ask for pardon him for them. The above mentioned confession must be loaded with a sincere desire to leave all our sins

    3. We accept that for our own account we cannot change completely. That we need from the power transformer of Jesus Christ, who had a life without sin.

    Hebrews says 4.14-16: Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.


    The Greek voice, PISTIS, means primarily A FIRM PERSUASION, A CONVICTION BASED ON THE HEARD. Because of it he says Romans 10.17: " The faith comes for to hear, and hearing for the God's Word "

    Jesus Christ at the end of his earthly life, agreed to die in the cross of the Calvary in our place and to suffer the death to give us pardon, salvation and a new life. Says I Timothy 1.15: ” This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.”
    TO SEE: the II Cor. 5.21, I Peter 3.18, I Peter 2.24, Titus 2.13.14
    Let's finish this blog, putting a special support in the essential thing for our experience of salvation. The first crisis that we suffer the new Christians is that after the moment of our conversion in which we had tears and big emotions, but to the passage of time, already we do not feel the same thing and wonder: really am I except? And if Christ has saved me why already I do not sit the same thing

    The fundamental thing is that NUESTA FAITH NOT THESE STOCKS IN FEELINGS BUT IN THE PERFECT FACTS FOR JESUS CHRIST. Jesus Christ really was personified, died in the cross for our sins, revived to the third day and ascended to the skies wherefrom we expect for him again.
    As well as it changes the condition of the time, this way also they change our feelings. So, the fundamental thing is to understand that our faith does not depend on emotions but on perfect facts.
    Thousands and thousands of Christians who have succumbed, would be victorious if only they had learned that the faith is based what God has done for
     us and not for what we are sorry or allow feeling.
    Hace 12 minutos ·